Keibler Law Group
Stopping Injustice With Effective Representation

Personal Injury Attorney in Columbia SC

Helping Clients Recover Damages in Full

Dealing with a personal injury that was not your fault can be extremely frustrating and stressful. Many accident victims have families who rely on them to provide an income, which is disrupted because of the injuries they’ve sustained. In addition to missing work, you may also have medical bills to pay while recovering from your injuries.

Getting coverage for injuries sustained in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness in South Carolina can be complicated. You need to prove that the accident was due to the other person’s failure to fulfill their duty of care. Personal injury claims can take a lot out of you, both emotionally and financially. When you hire a Columbia personal injury lawyer like those at our law firm, you can get relief knowing your personal injury claim is being handled by a professional who understands your legal rights and knows how to get the compensation you deserve.

At Keibler Law Firm, our Columbia personal injury lawyers have handled countless clients in various personal injury cases, including car accidents, product liability, medical malpractice, and workplace injuries. Our lead attorney also has experience representing insurance companies, giving him unique insight into how these companies and adjusters work and what their priorities are. Our skills and knowledge can benefit you by giving you an edge in seeking maximum compensation for damages you have suffered. Call 803-676-1567 now to discuss your unique needs with our helpful, compassionate legal team.

What Types of Cases Does Your Law Firm Handle?

If you have been injured because of another person’s carelessness, you may think the only option is to file a claim with the insurance company. However, hiring a personal injury lawyer is essential to recovering compensation for damages in almost any personal injury case. Your attorney can help determine liability for the accident and prove that your injuries are severe enough to merit a personal injury claim.

At Keibler Law Group, we handle a wide range of personal injury cases, from individuals seeking compensation for injuries to larger-scale anti-trust litigation. Some examples of personal injury claims we handle include:

Our lead personal injury lawyer has vast experience helping clients collect compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages from serious injuries caused by a negligent individual or company. We can help you navigate the complex legal process of a South Carolina personal injury lawsuit. Call today for the legal counsel you need to recover compensation in your unique personal injury matters.

How Is Liability Determined in South Carolina?

Liability refers to which party is responsible for an accident. When you have suffered injuries, you can only obtain compensation if you prove that the other person’s actions were negligent according to South Carolina law and that the negligence led to your injuries. Determining the liable party depends on many factors, including what type of claim you are bringing against the other person. Some of the most common accident types in South Carolina are car accidents, workers’ compensation claims, and product liability.

Car Accident Personal Injury Cases

Discovering the at-fault party in a car accident can be extremely difficult because many cases depend on one person’s testimony against another. However, an experienced South Carolina personal injury attorney can investigate to uncover evidence that proves you are not liable for the accident.

Some examples of evidence that can help back up your case include:

  •  Eyewitness accounts
  •  Surveillance footage
  • Police reports
  • Accident reconstruction techniques

Personal injury victims should understand that South Carolina requires liability insurance, making seeking compensation from the other person’s insurance policy possible. However, you should not negotiate with an insurance company without consulting an SC personal injury attorney who can help protect your rights and get you maximum compensation.

Workers Compensation

Another example of a complicated legal case is when someone suffers serious injuries on the job and seeks compensation through workers comp. These accident victims deserve financial compensation but may not be able to get coverage until they prove the employer was at fault. Legal professionals like those at Keibler Law Group can help you prove your case and get treatment from approved doctors so your medical bills are covered.

Product Liability

One of the most frustrating legal issues is seeking financial compensation for a product that caused your loved one’s injury or death. When you buy a product, you are placing faith in that company to have done adequate research and produced an item that will not harm you. Companies that neglect their duty to develop, manufacture, and sell safe products should be held responsible for the damage they cause.

Our legal team has the experience necessary to uncover evidence that your injuries were caused by the faulty product, getting you the compensation you deserve. We have recovered millions of dollars in damages on behalf of personal injury victims whose injuries were caused by negligent companies. Call today for the legal assistance you need fighting a company guilty of harming you because of a faulty product.

What Injuries Typically Occur in a Personal Injury Case?

Injuries incurred in an accident depend on what type of accident occurred and how severe the impact was. For example, someone who slips and falls may have a broken bone or laceration. On the other hand, if you were in a wreck involving a semi-truck, you may have catastrophic injuries such as paralysis or the loss of a loved one.

No matter what injuries you’re experiencing, you may have incredibly high medical expenses that you are struggling to pay. Bringing a lawsuit against the other party can help cover your costs and allow you to return to life without this financial and emotional burden.

Some examples of injuries that could be covered in a lawsuit include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries – These injuries include any damage to the brain, including open and closed brain injuries, concussions, and head wounds.
  •  Spinal damage – If you have damage to your back or neck as a result of your injury, you could experience a great deal of pain and a long recovery. A personal injury claim can recover damages for pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost time at work.
  • Paralysis – Partial or total paralysis dramatically impacts the lives of victims who live through this trauma and could merit financial compensation.
  • Whiplash – Whiplash is a common injury resulting from a car accident that can lead to a long, painful recovery and a potential lawsuit.
  • Lacerations – Lacerations, or cuts, may occur in many accidents, including car wrecks, workplace injuries, and slip and fall accidents.
  • Organ damage – If you have experienced organ damage as a result of your accident, you may be able to recover damages for hospital stays, ambulance charges, and more.
  • Emotional trauma – You can take legal action for more than physical injuries. Emotional and mental trauma are equally important in a personal injury lawsuit.

Reach out to our experienced lawyers right away to learn more about recovering economic and non-economic damages following your accident.

What Are the Elements of a Strong Personal Injury Case?

Being injured is not enough to merit a personal injury lawsuit. Personal injury victims must prove that certain elements exist when seeking compensation in South Carolina. Personal injury lawyers like those at our law office are happy to meet with you to discuss your unique case and offer counsel on whether pursuing a legal claim is the best course of action.

Some crucial elements that can help ensure the success of your case and may lead to a fair settlement include:

  • Duty of care – You must prove that the other person owed you a duty of care. This may include responsibilities such as following traffic laws while operating a motor vehicle, producing a safe product, or following specific guidelines as a medical practitioner.
  • Violation of duty of care – Another critical aspect of a valid personal injury claim is that the other person failed to fulfill their duty of care. Some examples are drivers who ignore traffic signals, companies that do not manufacture a product properly, or doctors who negligently give patients medicine treatment that causes them harm.
  • Accident that results from failure to fulfill duty – You must also show that your accident occurred because of the other person’s negligence or wrongdoing.
  • Serious injury – You must prove that your injuries are severe enough to merit a lawsuit.

If you have a potential personal injury claim, please speak with a lawyer serving Columbia, SC, immediately. Your attorney can help uncover evidence that backs up your claim and represent you effectively as you seek compensation.

What Compensation Can I Recover for My Injuries?

Many accident victims hesitate to bring a personal injury claim because they don’t feel that suing someone fits with their personality. However, it is essential to remember that a lawsuit is not always about taking revenge. Victims who have been harmed because of another person’s negligence did not deserve these injuries, and it is only fair to ask for help paying for bills they did not deserve.

It is also critical to understand that the insurance company does not necessarily have the victim’s best interest at heart. Many insurance adjusters offer a minimal settlement, hoping the injured person will take the money and close the case as quickly as possible. The initial settlement usually does not cover future medical expenses, emotional trauma, and other costs. Working with a Columbia personal injury lawyer can help maximize compensation and protect your legal rights.

We can only give you an adequate estimate of your case’s overall worth after speaking with you in person, but you can expect to recover damages for the following items in a successful personal injury claim:

  • Past and future medical expenses, including doctor’s visits, hospital costs, and surgical procedures
  • Visits with specialists, including surgeons, chiropractors, and physical therapists
  •  Past and future lost wages, salary, vacation time, and bonuses
  • Decreased income-earning capacity
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Emotional trauma and mental health expenses related to the accident
  • Wrongful death
  • Loss of companionship
  • Funeral expenses (within reason)
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damage if the other person’s actions were criminal in nature

If you or your loved one is suffering because of an accident that occurred in Columbia, you deserve help to make a full financial recovery. Our Columbia personal injury lawyer can help by offering excellent counsel and legal representation at this critical time. We understand how insurance companies work and will negotiate aggressively to get you the settlement you deserve.

What Do Personal Injury Lawyers Do?

Personal injury lawyers fight to protect the rights of their clients who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, workplace injuries, construction accidents, product liability cases, and other types of accidents. Your Columbia personal injury attorney will understand your rights and help you get compensation for the damages you’ve experienced.

Some legal services you can expect a personal injury lawyer to offer include:

  • Investigating the incident to determine liability
  • Uncovering evidence to prove you are not responsible for the accident
  • Providing legal counsel on whether to pursue a lawsuit or not
  • Helping victims involved in personal injury accidents get the medical care and property repairs necessary
  •  Negotiating with the insurance company to achieve a settlement that covers your expenses
  • Providing surviving family members with compensation for a loved one’s wrongful death
  •  Submitting workers compensation claims to get injured employees the help they need
  •  Offering excellent, aggressive legal representation when filing a lawsuit

What Should I Do If I’ve Been in a Car Accident in Columbia, South Caronia?

Experiencing a car accident can be frightening. Many victims of motor vehicle accidents are in a state of shock and don’t know what to do. It is essential to get yourself to safety and contact the authorities right away. Getting immediate medical attention is vital because the adrenaline from the crash can mask the pain of serious injuries. Calling the police is also vital to obtaining compensation if the crash was the other person’s fault.

Once you are safe and have gotten the medical treatment you need, you should reach out to an attorney with a proven track record of success, like those at Keibler Law Group. We can help you file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company and get a fair settlement. If it becomes necessary to take legal action, we will stand by your side.

Should You Hire Our Personal Injury Attorneys?

Whether you’ve been in a car accident, had a workplace injury, or experienced a fall or another accident, you need advice and legal representation you can count on. The legal team at Keibler Law Group is ready to fight for your rights and stand by your side as you seek the compensation you deserve for injuries you should never have received.

Our team is led by Attorney Chase Keibler, who has years of experience helping countless clients recover damages from various severe injuries. Our South Carolina personal injury team offers affordable legal services that provide your family peace of mind and hope for a full recovery. Call our law firm now to discuss your unique needs at 803-676-1567.