Keibler Law Group
Stopping Injustice With Effective Representation

South Carolina Back & Neck Injury Lawyer

A South Carolina injury attorney can help you seek damages for your back or neck injury.

South Carolina Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Back & neck injuries can occur in a variety of accidents.  The back holds your body upright and keeps everything from limbs to internal organs in place.  When you injure your back or neck, you may experience severe pain, immobility, and paralysis, and it can be a life-changing injury. Unfortunately, back and neck injuries are very common injuries caused by car accidents and truck accidents.  Back and neck pain are one of the leading causes of missed work.  Indeed, nearly 2% of the entire workforce in the US is disabled by back pain.

Often times, because back and neck injuries can be slow to impact the body after an accident or can be difficult to “see”, insurance companies may refuse or try to limit coverage.  They may allege the back or neck injury is much less serious than it actually is and therefore wont provide coverage.

We have experience fighting insurance companies to make sure you are compensated for your injury.  Back and neck injuries can be life-changing and debilitating; we fight for you to make you whole and get you back to yourself.

What are common types of Back & Neck Injuries in South Carolina?

If you injured your neck or back in South Carolina, you should contact a South Carolina injury attorney to help get the compensation you deserve.  We can help if you suffered any back or neck injury due to someone’s negligence, including the following types of injuries:

  • Whiplash (cervical strain/sprain)
  • Fractured vertebrae
  • Herniated disk (ruptured disk)
  • Spinal cord injury/paralysis

What are common symptoms of Back & Neck Injuries?

Back injuries can be from car or truck accidents, workplace injuries, or a variety of other accidents.  Some symptoms of a back injury or neck injury include:

  • Soreness/sore back muscles
  • Tingling fingertips or toes
  • Shooting pain that can go down your leg
  • Bulging discs
  • Paralysis
  • Increasing pain when standing, bending, or lifting
  • For severe spinal injuries, symptoms may include:
  • Loss of motor functions
  • Paralysis
  • Numbess and loss of feeling in hands and feet
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Difficulty having intercourse
  • Labored briefing

What treatments are available in South Carolina for my Back & Neck Injury?

There are various medical providers throughout South Carolina that can alleviate pain and assist in the long-term treatment of your back pain.  The following treatments may help:

  • Massage therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Acupuncture
  • Integrative medicine
  • Pain management solutions

If you suffered a back or neck injury, you should:

  • Get Medical Care – You may be taken by ambulance to a local hospital or emergency room. You should see a doctor as soon as possible after a back or neck injury. Often times, these types of injuries are difficult to see because there are no cuts or bumps.  It is smart to see a medical provider right away.
  • Collect Evidence – There is evidence you can gather at the scene of the accident.  Whether it was a fall, a car accident, a truck accident, or some other type of accident, any evidence can be helpful. Use a phone to take pictures and videos of the surroundings. Also, ask for witnesses’ names and contact information.
  • Keep a Journal – After the injury, keep a journal or daily log to record your actions and day-to-day events. Include the activities you can or cannot do, like work, household chores, reading, or any other activities you previously did.  This may help refresh your memory months later of how you felt and acted as a result of your injury.
  • Call a South Carolina Back & Neck Injury Lawyer.

South Carolina Personal Injury Attorney Referral

If you are able, we recommend keeping a journal or daily log after an injury.  Journals help you remember what you may have felt at the time of the injury, help you recall details, feelings, your surroundings, and possible struggles you were facing.  A journal can be in many forms – it can be handwritten, typed, spoken on your phone, video recorded.  Journals can also help with mental health after a serious injury.

How much is my Back or Neck Injury case worth in South Carolina?

Every case is different and, therefore, it depends.  However, if you hire an experienced and creative attorney like Keibler Law Group, they can rely on top resources, experts, and technologies to convince a jury, the court, and opposing counsel to pay more.

No one can determine how much any case is worth without first analyzing the facts. However, there are certain factors you can use to make an approximate estimation of your claim.

First, you must look at the “economic” damages or those you can quantify.  Then you can recover additional, “non-economic” damages for pain and suffering and other damages that are more difficult to quantify. Finally, depending on the particular circumstances, you may be able to recover punitive damages – or damages designed to punish the wrongdoer and deter future bad actors.

The main factor that will affect the value of your claim is the damages, or losses you incurred. The more damages involved in the case, the more your claim is worth because you can be compensated for all of them. Some of the most common forms of damages include

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Permanent disfigurement or disability

Next, you must analyze liability or fault. Who is at fault and how much “fault” will a jury attribute to them?  If the other party was 100% at fault, then you can recover 100% of your actual damages.  However, South Carolina is a modified comparative fault state – in other words, if a jury determines you are 10% at fault, any award a jury gives you will be reduced by 10%.  Keep in mind, your fault must be less than 51%.  Additionally, if the at-fault party showed gross negligence or blatant disregard for the safety of others, the courts may award you punitive damages. In this instance, your case will be worth more.

Once liability is established, you need to make sure the defendant has money to pay you.  In South Carolina, automobile insurance minimums are $25,000, and, unfortunately, that is what most drivers choose.  Therefore, if you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury from a car accident and the at-fault driver only carriers the state minimums and has no other assets, then the max compensation you can receive from that defendant is $25,000.  Creative lawyers, however, may be able to locate other responsible parties.

If your catastrophic injury is from a truck accident or product liability case, then the money available to recover is likely much larger.  An experience catastrophic injury attorney can help assess the facts in your case to get the most amount of compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Back & Neck Injury settlements in South Carolina

Often times, back & neck injury cases are resolved in settlement agreements. This is when the insurance company and/or wrongdoer or “tortfeasor” agrees to cover your costs and damages including past medical bills, future medical bills, lost wages, lost anticipated income, and pain and suffering. In return, you agree to not file a lawsuit against the wrongdoer or to dismiss an ongoing lawsuit.

You should not accept insurance company’s lowball offers.  Insurers or wrongdoers may try to get you to accept less than you deserve.  For back & neck injuries it can be particularly difficult to calculate future damages and, therefore, hiring a knowledgeable South Carolina back & neck injury lawyer can help get the best results available to you.

What is a Contingency Fee?

How do I pay for the lawyer?

We work on a contingency fee basis meaning the victims we represent pay nothing at all unless we win.  Once you receive money from either a settlement or verdict, we receive a certain percentage of that settlement or verdict. If your lawsuit is unsuccessful, you will not owe us any attorney fees.  This allows the plaintiff to reap the rewards without risk of having to pay for a loss.