Keibler Law Group
Stopping Injustice With Effective Representation

Car Accident Lawyer in Columbia SC

Helping Clients Get Compensated for Injuries Caused by Someone Else’s Negligence

No one gets behind the wheel expecting to experience a car crash. However, car accidents occur every day on South Carolina streets. Some of these wrecks are unavoidable due to weather or malfunctioning vehicles. Many times, car accident injuries occur because a negligent driver is guilty of distracted driving or failing to obey traffic laws. If your Columbia car accident happened due to another person’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may be entitled to compensation.

Car accident victims often believe that filing a claim with the other driver’s insurance company is the best way to recover financially following a wreck. While working with the insurance company is an integral part of seeking compensation, the truth is that these companies usually do not have the victim’s well-being in mind. At Keibler Law Group, our lead attorney has personally represented insurance companies in legal matters, giving our legal team unique insights into how these companies work. We understand how to negotiate effectively to get you the maximum compensation allowable under the law.

A car accident lawyer like those at Keibler Law Group can help you navigate the complex legal process of seeking a fair settlement in your car accident claim. If necessary, your Columbia car accident lawyer can help you take legal action to ensure you do not have to cover the many expenses involved in recovering from car accident injuries. This may include past and future medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Many families experience financial devastation because their insurance claims do not cover the full range of costs. You can avoid this catastrophic situation by contacting a car accident lawyer at our law firm today.

If you are suffering or if your loved one has died in a motor vehicle accident, you have our deepest sympathies. We understand that no amount of money can undo the damage or bring your loved one back. However, taking action now is a critical part of the healing process because you can avoid the additional suffering of covering the many costs associated with your loss on your own. Call now at 803-676-1567 to speak with our compassionate, capable car accident lawyers and learn how we can help protect you financially following your car crash.

What Are Some Common Causes of Car Accidents in Columbia, SC?

Being in a car crash can be terrifying. You may relive the moments of the accident over and over, resulting in troubling anxiety and other emotional issues. It is essential to uncover the reason for the crash to decide whether you should take legal action in a car accident claim. If someone else caused the motor vehicle accident, you could be entitled to compensation.

Some common causes of car accidents in South Carolina include:

  • Failure to stop at a stop sign or traffic light
  • Failure to yield the right of way
  •  Excessive speeding
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driving the wrong way down a one-way street or highway
  • Distracted driving, including eating, drinking, or cell phone use
  • Weather-related issues, such as heavy rain, resulting in a lack of visibility
  •  Driving at night
  • Changing lanes without signaling
  •  Coming to a sudden stop without warning
  •  Pedestrians crossing the street illegally
  •  Drowsy driving
  • Semi-truck or other professional drivers failing to abide by regulations
  • Car manufacturer’s issues, such as faulty brakes or steering
  • Vehicle failure due to lack of maintenance

If you are suffering because of a terrible car accident, no matter the cause, you can benefit from seeking counsel from an experienced car accident attorney. At Keibler Law Group, we can help get you the medical care and compensation that insurance adjusters may not provide. Call our law office right away to consult with our legal team and see if you are eligible for compensation.

What Types of Car Accidents Are the Most Serious?

With the many types of car accidents in South Carolina, sometimes people wonder which causes the most damage. The truth is that any car accident can result in serious injuries, even if the accident appears minor. However, some accidents are generally more devastating than others, including head-on collisions, T-bone crashes, and collisions with a semi-truck.

Head-On Collision

Head-on car crashes are often recognized as some of the most destructive because of the extreme force exerted on each car. In this type of crash, two vehicles heading in opposite directions collide, resulting in an extreme amount of force on the occupants of both vehicles. Head-on collisions often occur because a driver is under the influence of drugs and alcohol and does not realize they have veered into oncoming traffic.

These are likely to be fatal accidents where drivers or passengers are propelled out of the car if they are not using seatbelts. If the driver and passengers survive, they may suffer from severe injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, lacerations, internal damage, or loss of a limb. If you or a loved one has experienced a head-on collision, please call our legal team immediately.

T-Bone Collision

Car accidents caused by one person crashing directly into the side of another vehicle, forming the shape of a “T,” are often called T-bone collisions. These wrecks are also highly dangerous because of the strong impact from one vehicle on another. A T-bone crash is likely to occur at an intersection where one person has run a red light or otherwise failed to yield the right of way.

Some injuries that are commonly seen in T-bone collisions include traumatic brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and internal organ damage. Please seek medical attention immediately when you have experienced any car accident, and then call a lawyer to see if your injuries merit a personal injury claim.

Semi-Truck Collision

Finally, semi-truck accidents are notorious for being dangerous, if not deadly. These accidents often result from truck drivers or cargo loaders who overlook safety regulations. With the extreme weight of a commercial vehicle, personal vehicles and their occupants typically sustain heavy damage in a crash. Some causes of truck accidents include violations of traffic signals and the inability of the truck driver to control the heavy vehicle in an emergency situation.

Injured victims may face catastrophic injuries, including paralysis, head trauma, broken bones, lacerations, and organ damage. Sadly, many truck accident victims lose their lives. If you or your loved one is suffering because of a crash with a semi-truck, you need immediate legal counsel and representation. Call our law office right away to get skilled attorneys who will fight for your rights at this critical time.

What Injuries Typically Occur in South Carolina Car Accidents?

Regardless of the type of automobile accident, victims may experience a wide range of injuries that can cause a great deal of pain. Motor vehicle accidents can result in injuries that require months or even years to heal, making it difficult for victims to work and enjoy their lives as normal. Auto accidents that result in death are even more traumatizing for the surviving family members as they must carry on without the companionship and financial support of their loved ones.

Some of the most common injuries that may lead to car accident claims in South Carolina include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries – These injuries include concussions, head wounds, and other brain trauma.
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Internal organ damage
  • Road rash, such as when a motorcycle driver sustains skin injuries from being dragged along the pavement
  • Paralysis, partial and total
  • Memory loss
  • Emotional trauma, such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder related to the accident
  • Death

An auto accident lawyer can help you provide evidence that your injuries are severe enough to merit taking legal action in a Columbia car accident case. Call now to recover compensation for your severe injuries in a personal injury claim.

How is Fault Determined in a Car Crash in South Carolina?

One of the most critical aspects of recovering compensation following an auto accident is determining who was at fault in the crash. Automobile accidents can be highly complicated because often, the most evidence comes down to each person’s testimony against the other driver. However, a skilled Columbia car accident lawyer can be extremely useful in collecting evidence to uncover the truth about what really happened.

Some examples of evidence that a car accident attorney may be able to use to prove liability in your car accident claim include:

  • Police report
  •  Surveillance footage, including parking lot cameras or dash cams
  •  Eyewitness accounts of individuals who were at the accident
  •  Testimony of accident reconstructionists who view the scene of the crash and assess how the accident occurred
  •  Photos of the motor vehicles taken at the accident scene
  •  Medical records

When you seek compensation for a serious injury sustained in a car accident, please remember to consult with trusted personal injury lawyers who can help determine liability. Your fault for the accident may affect how much compensation you can receive. Even if you were partially at fault for the collision, knowledgeable Columbia car accident lawyers can help you collect a portion of the damages as long as you are 50% responsible or less. Call our legal team for experienced car accident lawyers who will fight aggressively for you in your personal injury case.

What Elements Are Necessary to Win a Car Accident Lawsuit?

Every car accident claim is different, making it essential to speak with a car accident attorney no matter the details of your case. Car accident victims can benefit from having auto accident attorneys on their side to negotiate with the insurance company and take legal action if necessary. However, there are certain elements that must exist in order to win a lawsuit and obtain maximum compensation.

For example, a South Carolina car accident lawyer can help you prove that the following is true regarding your motor vehicle accident:

  •  Duty of care – Car accident victims must show that the at-fault party owed them a duty of care. Whenever someone drives a motor vehicle, they are legally responsible for operating that vehicle safely to protect other drivers and pedestrians.
  • Breach of duty – If the other driver violated their duty of care by speeding, failing to obey traffic laws, driving drunk, or driving negligently, this is referred to as a breach of their duty of care.
  • Causation – You must also prove that the breach of duty led directly to your injuries and that a reasonable person would have known that their actions had the potential to cause injury.
  • Damages – It is also necessary to show that the damages are severe enough to merit legal action. Please note that non-economic damages, such as mental and emotional trauma, are as valid as physical and property damage.

Reach out to an auto accident attorney right away to learn if you may be eligible for compensation according to South Carolina personal injury law. Columbia car accident lawyers help victims gather the necessary evidence to prove that the at-fault party breached their duty of care, causing serious harm to car accident victims. Call Keibler Law Group right away to learn how we can help with your Columbia car accident claim.

What Compensation Can I Expect to Recover for My Car Wreck Injuries?

The exact compensation you recover for your injuries may vary greatly from what any other person receives in a personal injury claim. To adequately assess how much you can recover, an auto accident lawyer will need to review your case in person with you.

Please remember that personal injury claims in South Carolina depend on the amount of fault each driver shares in the accident. For example, if another driver was speeding but you also changed lanes without signaling, you may each share a portion of the fault. You are then awarded compensation based on your percentage of responsibility for the accident. So, if a judge determines that you were 20% at fault, you could have 80% of the damages covered.

Successful personal injury cases may cover the following damages and more:

  • Doctor’s visits
  • Hospital costs
  • Charges for ambulance services
  • Surgical procedures
  • Physical therapy
  • Chiropractors and other specialists
  • Other past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages, salaries, and bonuses
  •  Lost vacation time
  • Decreased income-earning ability
  • Other past and future income-related losses
  • Catastrophic injuries that affect your everyday life
  • Home renovations to accommodate disabilities related to the injury
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental trauma, including therapy
  • Loss of companionship if your spouse passed away
  • Wrongful death
  • Funeral expenses, up to a certain extent
  • Punitive damages for drunk driving accidents and other criminal cases

A Columbia car accident attorney can help provide evidence that your medical bills, lost income, and emotional damages deserve maximum compensation. Please don’t rely on the other driver’s insurance company to provide sufficient compensation for your many injuries. Call our car accident lawyer immediately to get the emotional and legal support you need.

What Should I Do If I’ve Experienced a Car Wreck in Columbia, SC?

If you have been in a car accident, you may feel overwhelmed and shaken by what you’ve just experienced. Many accident victims are in shock and don’t know what steps to take when they have been in a collision. However, you can take some simple steps to ensure your safety and the well-being of other victims. You can also give yourself a strong legal foundation by acting quickly to collect essential information at the accident scene.

Some of the most important steps to take following a crash are:

  •  Get out of the flow of traffic and to a safe place
  •  Alert the authorities, including police, who will file a police report with critical information about your crash
  •  Call medical professionals to assess the urgent medical needs of victims
  • Get the contact and insurance information of the other driver
  •  Gather contact information from witnesses who viewed the crash
  •  Get medical attention, even if you don’t think you are injured
  •  Seek counsel from Columbia auto accident lawyers who can advise you on how to protect yourself legally and get the compensation you deserve

Acting quickly can save lives and ensure you aren’t accused of causing an accident that was someone else’s fault. Once you are safe and are healing from your injuries, you should contact Columbia car accident attorneys, who can help you get compensated before too much time has passed. The statute of limitations in South Carolina is three years, which can pass by surprisingly quickly. Please don’t forfeit the compensation you deserve. Call now for help from our caring, capable legal team.

Can I Get Fair Compensation from an Insurance Claim Following a Car Accident?

Columbia auto accident victims often think that their only option to recover compensation is to file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company. However, these individuals may not realize that the insurance company is out to protect their own bottom line rather than helping victims recover. Many insurance adjusters offer a low settlement that does not come close to covering what the victim will owe for past and future medical bills, not to mention lost time at work and the emotional suffering they’ve gone through.

There is hope for getting a fair settlement when you work with a Columbia car accident attorney like those at Keibler Law Group. A car accident lawyer like Attorney Keibler has the experience and skills to negotiate a fair deal with the insurance company. With a lawyer on your side, you can proceed with confidence, knowing that you will get the maximum compensation under the law.

How Can an Attorney Help Me Maximize Compensation for My Car Wreck Injuries?

Personal injury claims are notoriously complex and rely on nuanced aspects of South Carolina law. It may be tempting to simply file with the insurance company, but you could leave yourself and your family vulnerable to paying thousands of dollars in medical bills that you did not deserve. Some families even lose their homes and vehicles because of the financial devastation they did not foresee following an auto accident. An accident lawyer like those at our law firm can assist you in avoiding financial hardship following a personal injury.

Some duties an accident lawyer can perform to benefit you and your family include:

  • Communicate with the other driver and eyewitnesses to uncover the truth about why and how the accident occurred
  • Access the police report and surveillance footage to back up your argument
  • Submit your medical records to prove the extent of your injuries
  • Help you find approved doctors so you have access to the best medical care during your recovery
  • Prove fault in the accident by providing adequate evidence to show you were not liable for the injuries incurred
  • Negotiate with the insurance company to get you a fair settlement
  •  Represent you in a car accident lawsuit if legal action is necessary
  •  Provide peace of mind regarding the legal aspects of your claim so you can focus on resting and recovering

Should You Hire Our Car Accident Attorneys?

If you or your loved one was injured in a car accident, the last thing you need to worry about is a lengthy legal battle. At Keibler Law Group, our experienced car accident lawyers understand the struggle and stress of seeking compensation when you are already dealing with car accident injuries. We promise to help you navigate the complex legal procedures so you can focus on what’s most important: recovering and spending time with your loved ones.

Our legal team has helped countless clients make a full financial recovery following a car crash. We have a deep understanding of South Carolina law, including how insurance companies work. We put that knowledge to use on behalf of our clients to help them maximize their compensation and move on with their lives. Call 803-676-1567 right away to speak with our caring legal team and see how we can help you.