Keibler Law Group
Stopping Injustice With Effective Representation

South Carolina Dog Bite Lawyer

South Carolina Dog Bite Attorney

Dog bites occur far too often in South Carolina and can leave permanent injuries, scaring, and psychological trauma from the animal attack.  Chase has experience representing individuals injured or killed by a dog attack in South Carolina.

South Carolina is a “strict liability” state when it comes to dog bites.  In other words, even if the bite is the dog’s first bite ever, the owner is liable for its dog’s actions.  Other states often follow the one-bite rule, where a dog and owner get leniency for the dog’s first bite, but afterwards the owner is liable for all future bites.  South Carolina is not that way.  In South Carolina, the owner is strictly liable for its dog’s actions even if it was the dog’s first bite. Unfortunately, however, many dog bites are not the dog’s first bite.

If you have suffered a serious injury or lost a loved one in an animal attack that occurred in South Carolina, the dog bite attorney at Keibler Law Group can help.  We’ve represented families of loved ones who were killed by a neighbor’s dog and have the experience to help you.

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What is the South Carolina Dog Bite Law?

South Carolina is a strict liability dog bite state.  The owner is strictly liable for the actions and injuries caused by their dog even if it’s the dog’s first bite or attack.  Other states follow the “one bite” rule and generally do no hold owner’s responsible for dog’s first bite (barring negligence), but will hold the owner liable for future bites.

In general, South Carolina laws states “that if a person is bitten or otherwise attacked by a dog while the person is in a public place or is lawfully in a private place, including the property of the dog owner or person having the dog in the person’s care or keeping, the dog owner or person having the dog in the person’s care or keeping is liable for the damages suffered by the person bitten or otherwise attacked. If a person provokes a dog into attacking him then the owner of the dog is not liable.”  S.C. Code. Ann Section  47-3-110

What to do after a dog bite attack in South Carolina?

It is important to distance yourself from the dog and the owner and immediately seek medical care for your injuries.  Here is are 6 things to do when attacked by a dog in South Carolina.

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible. All dog bites should be seen by a doctor in case the dog carried a disease.
  • Immediately report the incident to the police and obtain a copy of the police accident report. This may not be the dog’s first bite and the policy and animal authority need to investigate.
  • Obtain the name and contact information of the dog owner if possible.
  • Investigate and gather facts such as any witnesses to the attack, any possible cameras that may have recorded the attack, and take pictures of your injuries and the scene of the attack.
  • Save any clothing that may have been damaged by the animal.
  • Keep a journal of your experiences and your injuries.
  • Do not accept the owner or its insurance company’s low settlement offer.  If you accept compensation, you may waive your right to sue for the full recovery of your damages.
  • Contact an experienced South Carolina dog bite attorney like Chase at Keibler Law Group.

If you are able, we recommend keeping a journal or daily log after a traumatic injury like a dog bite or attack.  Journals help you remember what you may have felt at the time of the injury, help you recall details, feelings, your surroundings, and possible struggles you were facing.  A journal can be in many forms – it can be handwritten, typed, spoken on your phone, video recorded.  Journals can also help with mental health after a traumatic injury

South Carolina Personal Injury Attorney Referral

How long do I have to sue after a dog bite?

Three years.  The statute of limitations in South Carolina for personal injury – including dog bites and attacks – is three years.

If the dog is owned by the government (like a police dog), your case may be subject to the South Carolina Tort Claims Act and therefore, there is a two year statute of limitations.  Contact an experienced South Carolina dog bite attorney today to learn more and see if you have a case.

What is a Contingency Fee?

How do I pay for the lawyer?

We work on a contingency fee basis meaning the victims we represent pay nothing at all unless we win.  Once you receive money from either a settlement or verdict, we receive a certain percentage of that settlement or verdict. If your lawsuit is unsuccessful, you will not owe us any attorney fees.  This allows the plaintiff to reap the rewards without risk of having to pay for a loss.