Keibler Law Group
Stopping Injustice With Effective Representation

South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

A spinal injury is almost always considered a “catastrophic injury” because of the long-term or lifelong implications. A spinal cord injury, like a brain injury, is unable to grow new tissues to repair what has been damaged.  Moreover, the spine controls and is the “circuit board” for the body – it controls essential and basic functions.  A spinal cord injury can result in paralysis, disabilities in ranges of motion, inability to walk, lack of senses, or other permanent disabilities.  These injuries impact the victim’s mental as well, and people with spinal cord injuries often need physical and mental health treatments to cope and learn to live with their new challenges.  Bottom line – spinal cord injuries are expensive injuries.

Keibler Law Group can help.  We have experience representing victims who have suffered catastrophic injuries, and we can help you get the money you deserve to compensate you for medical bills, lost wages, future medical bills, future lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.  We combine creativity with technology to achieve the best results available for our clients.  Contact us today to learn more.

South Carolina Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries

What is a spinal cord injury?

A spinal cord injury (SPI) is when there is damage to any part of the spinal cord or nerves at the end of the spinal canal.  Spinal cord injuries often cause permanent damage, including diminished strength, changes in sensation, and potentially paralysis. 

Because of the severity associated with spinal cord injuries and the impact to daily life, you may feel effects of your injury mentally, emotionally, and socially.

Symptoms of spinal cord injuries include:

  • Loss of movement
  • Loss of or altered sensation, including the ability to feel heat, cold and touch
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Exaggerated reflex activities or spasms
  • Changes in sexual function, sexual sensitivity and fertility
  • Pain or an intense stinging sensation caused by damage to the nerve fibers in your spinal cord
  • Difficulty breathing, coughing or clearing secretions from your lungs

6 Things to do if you suspect that someone has a back, neck, or spinal cord injury

  • Do not move the injured person (unless absolutely necessary to get out of a zone of danger).  Wrong movements immediately after an injury can cause permanent paralysis or other serious complications
  • Call 911 or your local emergency medical assistance number
  • Keep the injured person still
  • Place heavy towels or blankets on both sides of the neck or hold the head and neck to prevent them from moving until emergency medical professionals arrive
  • Provide basic first aid, such as stopping any bleeding, consoling the person, and making them comfortable without having them move their head or neck
  • If you believe the accident was a result of someone’s negligence of malfeasance, contact an experienced spinal cord injury attorney to assist in gathering facts and evidence.

What are common causes of spinal cord injuries?

There are countless accidents that can cause a spinal cord injury.  Falling, crashing, jarring, or getting hit in the wrong way can cause permanent damage to the spine.  Here are the most common causes we see spinal cord injuries in South Carolina.

Car accidentstruck accidents, or motorcycle accidents

Motor vehicle collisions are sudden, traumatic, and aggressive accidents that can result in catastrophic injury including spinal cord injuries.  Cars are getting larger and that means the accidents they cause carry more weighted force on impact.  This is leading to an increase in injuries in car accidents.  Tractor trailers and 18 wheelers are even large – significantly larger.  The force of a collision with a tractor trailer is devastating and can cause spinal cord injuries.  Finally, because motorcycle riders are exposed to the elements, they often face increased risk and dangers.  This includes the possibility of a spinal cord injury in a motorcycle accident.

south carolina car crash attorneys

Workplace injuries

South Carolina workplace injury lawyer

Spinal cord injuries are too common in the workplace, in particular, in construction and manufacturing jobs.  Falls from any height (even low heights) can cause permanent spinal cord injuries.  If you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury while at work, you may be entitled to compensation.

Premises liability

nursing home abuse attorney

Too often, business and property owners fail to keep their properties, stores, and general grounds safe and their negligence can lead to serious injury including spinal cord injuries.  For example, if a business or restaurant has a balcony and they put too much weight on the balcony or the balcony has rotting beams, there is a chance that balcony can collapse.  Or if a business has an uneven sidewalk or unsafe parking lot, and the victim trips and falls, there is a chance for a spinal cord injury.  In those instances, the property owner likely acted negligent, and the injured victims should be entitled to compensation for their injuries.

Bicycle and Pedestrian accidents

south carolina bike accident attorney

Like motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents and pedestrian accidents can result in serious injuries including spinal injuries because riders and walkers do not have much, if any, protection.  Unfortunately, South Carolina is not a very bicycle or pedestrian friendly state.  While we are making strides to change that, accidents still happen.  Click here to see what to do if you or a loved one has been involved in a bicycle accident in South Carolina.

Care of a Spinal Cord Injury

Life after a spinal cord injury

Professionals call this transition period after a spinal cord injury the “Adjustment.”  Adjustment is how you adapt to or become used to new situations as a result of the spinal cord injury.  For example, you may not be retiring to work, you may need routine medical treatment and therapies, you may not be able to enjoy things you previously did.  However, you are resilient and can live a fulfilling life with your injuries.

Going home after a spinal cord injury is a major stop.  However, like going home with your first child, there are adjustments that need to be made and then it becomes routine.  It is the new normal of life.  While routines may change and activities may take longer or need a new technique, it takes time to adapt to those changes.  Be patient with yourself, be patient with your loved one.  There is light at the end of this tunnel.

It is key to keep a positive mindset and attitude.  The world is plentiful and with that comes many things to enjoy.  Do not focus on the bad but find the joy.

There is no one way to adjust to a catastrophic injury.  We encourage or clients to take advantage of all medical treatments available including physical and mental therapies to help increase strength, regain normalcy, and cope with their injuries.  We encourage clients to keep a journal.  This serves several purposes – first, you can write your feelings and thoughts and air frustrations.  This is a cathartic activity that can relieve stress and help mentally.  Next, it can help refresh your memory as to how you felt, what you did, what you missed, what you like.  Journals can be timelines to the past.

These injuries can be expensive.  You may not be able to return to work, have mounting medical bills, and years of future treatments.  We’re here to help ease those burdens.  We fight to gain compensation for your past, present, and future injuries and damages.  We fight injustice to make sure our clients are compensated and comfortable.  We help you adjust.

Spinal Cord Injury Settlements in South Carolina

Cases involving spinal cord injuries are often resolved in settlement agreements.  This is when the insurance company and/or wrongdoer or “tortfeasor” agrees to cover your costs and damages including past medical bills, future medical bills, lost wages, lost anticipated income, and pain and suffering.  In return, you agree to not file a lawsuit against the wrongdoer or to dismiss an ongoing lawsuit.

You should not accept insurance company’s lowball offers for your spinal cord injury.  Insurers or wrongdoers may try to get you to accept less than you deserve.  Spinal cord injuries are particularly difficult to calculate future damages and, therefore, hiring a knowledgeable South Carolina spinal cord injury lawyer can help get the best results available to you.

What is a Contingency Fee?

How do I pay for the lawyer?

We work on a contingency fee basis meaning the victims we represent pay nothing at all unless we win.  Once you receive money from either a settlement or verdict, we receive a certain percentage of that settlement or verdict. If your lawsuit is unsuccessful, you will not owe us any attorney fees.  This allows the plaintiff to reap the rewards without risk of having to pay for a loss.