Keibler Law Group
Stopping Injustice With Effective Representation

Columbia Truck Accident Lawyer

Helping Clients Get Compensated for Serious Injuries

Semi-trucks on South Carolina roadways are a part of life. These drivers help propel our economy, delivering goods and providing services nationwide. However, despite efforts to improve regulations, truck accidents still occur, devastating the lives of individuals and families. Because commercial vehicles are so large, they wreak havoc when they collide with smaller vehicles. Many accidents result in catastrophic injuries and death.

Determining liability in truck accident cases can be complicated because of the many factors causing the incident. Was the truck driver driving under the influence or fatigued? Did the trucking company fail to maintain or load the vehicle properly? Truck accident victims deserve to know the cause of their injuries and pursue compensation in full. A truck accident attorney like those at our law firm can help determine the cause of your crash and seek compensation on your behalf.

At Keibler Law Group, our talented team of truck accident attorneys has helped countless clients make a full financial recovery following commercial truck accidents. We hold truck drivers and trucking companies accountable for their negligence and wrongdoing, protecting our clients’ rights and helping them get the monetary compensation they deserve. Call us right away to learn more about how we can help with your unique truck accident case. You can reach our compassionate Columbia truck accident lawyers at 803-676-1567.

Why Are Truck Accidents So Serious?

Trucking accidents are notorious for causing severe injuries. Many of these wrecks are even fatal. It is important to understand why semi-trucks are so likely to cause devastating injuries and death when seeking fair compensation.

Of course, one of the primary reasons a large truck causes so much damage is because of the size and mass of the vehicle. Trucks weigh an average of 80,000 pounds when loaded. Compared to passenger vehicles, which, even for an SUV, is only about 6,000 pounds, it is easy to see why drivers are so often injured in a truck accident. The impact between the two vehicles can be enormous, causing severe damage to the other driver’s property and their body.

Another reason accidents with a commercial vehicle are so serious is the difficulty involved in maneuvering such a large vehicle. Not only is it harder to stop or swerve in an emergency because of the forward motion of a heavy truck, but truck drivers also have additional blind spots that prevent them from seeing passing vehicles. This makes it more likely for a truck to collide with another car when changing lanes or avoiding an object in the road. Matters become even more complicated when drivers push themselves beyond their physical limits to reach their destination on time. This can lead to driver fatigue, impairing the driver’s reaction time.

Finally, the vehicle itself presents some unique challenges for drivers and trucking companies. Trucks are complex machines requiring vast amounts of maintenance and safety checks. Failing to maintain a semi-truck properly can mean system failures that cause deadly accidents on South Carolina roads. Additionally, if the truck is not loaded correctly, the weight in the trailer can affect the driver’s ability to keep a steady course or stop in an emergency.

What Are Some Common Causes of Trucking Accidents?

A truck accident can occur for many reasons, making it difficult to determine the exact cause in many truck accident cases. In some instances, the truck driver failed to obey traffic laws. Other times, the trucking company or truck manufacturer may be liable for failure to produce or maintain a safe vehicle. The loading crew could also be at fault for failing to balance and secure the cargo in the trailer properly.

Some of the most common causes of truck accidents in Columbia, South Carolina, include:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Truck driver operating the vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Excessive speeding
  • Driver failing to yield the right of way
  • Driver failing to obey traffic signals
  • Changing lanes abruptly without signaling
  • System failure due to lack of maintenance
  • Distracted driving, such as eating, drinking, or cell phone use
  • Failure to properly train truck drivers
  • Improper turning procedures
  • Improperly loaded trailers, such as failure to balance cargo or overloading the trailer
  • Manufacturer defects resulting in system failures
  • Driving during bad weather, such as heavy rain
  • Driving at night
  •  Faulty pre-trip inspection

Hiring a knowledgeable Columbia truck accident lawyer can make all the difference in identifying why your accident occurred and determining who is liable for damages. A truck accident lawyer can also help prevent future victims from being affected by a negligent driver or trucking company by holding these individuals and companies accountable. Call the team of personal injury attorneys at our law firm to learn whether bringing a truck accident claim is right in your case.

Who is Responsible in a Semi-Truck Crash?

Those responsible for truck accidents should be held liable for the severe damage they have caused. When you have a Columbia truck accident lawyer on your side, you can rest assured that they will investigate the case to determine who is liable for your injuries. Your attorney can collect evidence such as surveillance footage, police reports, eyewitness accounts, and medical reports to prove that the truck driver or trucking company is liable and should be held responsible for their negligence.

Please note that many trucking companies are quick to send out their representatives to offer a settlement and close the case. However, these settlements often fall far short of what accident victims deserve for the damages and are merely an attempt to protect the image and pocketbook of the company. You deserve better than that. You can reach out to a truck accident lawyer to get excellent legal representation and collect the maximum compensation under the law.

Your truck accident attorney can prove you were not at fault for your injuries. They can also demonstrate that the following elements exist in your case to bring a successful personal injury claim on your behalf:

  • The at-fault party owed you a duty of care, such as driving according to traffic laws, properly maintaining vehicles, and loading cargo properly.
  • The other party violated their duty of care by failing to follow safety guidelines and laws.
  • The breach of duty of care led directly to your injuries.
  •  The damage caused by the other party was severe enough to merit a legal claim.

Call our law firm immediately to discuss your case’s unique details and enlist our truck accident lawyers to establish liability for your truck accident.

What Injuries Are Likely to Occur in a Trucking Accident?

As previously mentioned, truck accidents are typically very serious, resulting in devastating injuries or even death. A South Carolina truck accident may cause some of the following serious injuries:

  • Traumatic brain injury – When the vehicle makes a sudden stop, the person’s brain still moves forward, colliding with the skull. This can cause concussions, memory loss, learning disabilities, and mood disorders. Brain injuries can last a lifetime, incurring expensive medical procedures from surgeries to job loss, counseling, and more.
  •  Internal organ damage – When a semi-truck collides with a personal vehicle, the impact can result in internal organ damage. Organs may be torn, ruptured, or crushed, which can lead to lifelong illness or even death. Internal bleeding can also be life-threatening and must be treated immediately.
  • Spinal cord injuries – Another dangerous result of a trucking accident could be damage to the spinal cord, including the neck and back. Even whiplash from minor accidents can lead to months of pain and anguish. More severe injuries may include painful back injuries that require surgery to correct. Some individuals never regain movement and face permanent paralysis following their spinal cord injuries.
  •  Limb amputation – A collision with a semi or other commercial vehicle can lead to the legs or arms being crushed, requiring amputation. This catastrophic injury can prevent a person from returning to work or enjoying their life as they did before.
  •  Death – In the worst scenario, a truck accident victim may lose their life. The obvious impacts of this loss include emotional trauma for the loved ones. Families may also suffer if the deceased was responsible for providing financially or homemaking for the family.

If you or a loved one is suffering because of a devastating injury from a South Carolina truck accident, you may be eligible for a truck accident lawsuit. Our attorneys can discuss your legal options and help you recover from your loss.

What Should I Do if I’ve Been in an Accident with a Commercial Vehicle?

Individuals who have experienced a wreck with semi-trucks or tractor-trailers must take immediate action to protect themselves and those around them. These accidents often result in further injuries because of chemical spills or additional vehicles colliding with the wrecked truck. Before doing anything else, you must get yourself out of harm’s way and alert the authorities.

Some steps to take when you’ve been involved in a truck crash in Columbia are to:

  • Remove yourself from the flow of traffic
  •  Call emergency providers, including 9-1-1 and calling the police
  •  Collect contact and insurance information from the other driver
  • Take photos of the scene to document the damage
  •  Gather contact information from any eyewitnesses
  • Administer emergency aid to victims while waiting for an ambulance
  •  Get yourself medical treatment as soon as possible, even if you don’t think you’re injured
  •  Call a Columbia truck accident lawyer for legal protection

Many truck accident victims don’t feel the pain of their injuries right away, so they delay seeking medical treatment. However, this can lead to permanent damage from internal injuries you didn’t realize you had. Please act quickly to get yourself safe and see a trusted medical professional right away. Once you are healing, you can pursue compensation by calling an experienced truck accident lawyer to see if taking legal action is the right course for you.

How Much Compensation Am I Entitled to for My Injuries?

One of the primary questions regarding truck accidents is how much compensation to seek in a legal claim. It’s important to understand that each truck accident case is unique, and what you receive will differ from any other person. For example, the damages you are awarded will depend on who is liable for the accident, whether you share any of the responsibility for the crash, and how severe your injuries are.

Some examples of damages you may be eligible for in a trucking accident include the following:

  • Medical treatment, including doctor’s visits, hospital costs, specialist visits, chiropractic care, physical therapy, charges for the ambulance, and more
  • Income-related losses, such as lost wages, lost salaries, lost vacation time, decreased income earning ability, and future losses
  • Emotional trauma, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and therapy costs to treat these issues
  • Mental and learning disabilities as a result of head trauma
  • Catastrophic damages for injuries that severely and permanently impact your life, such as blindness, loss of limb, and paralysis
  • Wrongful death if your loved one died in the truck wreck
  •  Funeral expenses (within reason)
  •  Punitive damages if the at-fault party engaged in criminal behavior

Consulting with an SC truck accident attorney is the best way to ensure your expenses are covered in a truck accident claim. An experienced truck accident attorney like those at Keibler Law Group can help negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company and prove liability, even when multiple parties are involved. Truck crashes are notoriously devastating and complicated, but you don’t need to suffer because a trucking company failed to provide a safe experience or a driver didn’t comply with traffic laws. Call our legal team today to get the help you need to collect full compensation in a tractor-trailer accident case.

Will the Insurance Company Cover My Injuries in a Truck Accident?

Many people feel their best option after a truck accident in South Carolina is to file a claim with the insurance company or rely on the trucking company’s payout. However, both of these options usually mean the victim walks away with far less than they deserve for their devastating injuries. Not only will the family lack the monetary compensation they need to cover their future bills and expenses, but the trucking industry will not be held responsible for its negligence, meaning future innocent victims could suffer.

If you have been in a car accident case involving a semi-truck, you should speak with a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer right away. Columbia truck accident attorneys like those at our law firm know how to get the best results when it comes to seeking damages in a truck wreck. We have a great deal of experience working with insurance companies and know how to negotiate a fair settlement. Our SC truck accident lawyers can help you make a full physical and emotional recovery, so give us a call today.

How Can Hiring a Columbia Truck Accident Attorney Help Me Recover Damages?

Hiring an attorney is one of the most critical aspects of getting fair compensation in your trucking accident case. Most truck accidents result in severe injuries and involve multiple parties. The dangerous nature of trucks and the complex liability issues make these cases complicated and confusing. Many victims don’t know where to start when it comes to collecting compensation, so they accept the insurance payout and walk away.

When you hire a South Carolina truck accident lawyer, you will benefit from years of experience working with insurance companies and navigating the nuanced field of personal injury law. Your attorney can help in the following ways and more:

  •  Helping you connect with talented medical professionals who are covered under the insurance plan
  • Organizing essential documents, including medical reports, bills, car repair bills, and more, to provide evidence of the severity of your damages
  • Collecting evidence to prove you were not at fault for the accident, including surveillance camera footage, police reports, eyewitness testimonies, and consulting with accident reconstruction specialists
  • Helping determine liability, even in complex cases where multiple parties may be at fault
  • Negotiating a fair settlement with the insurance company
  • Representing you aggressively, even when faced with fierce opposition from the trucking company’s lawyers
  •  Offering peace of mind as they handle the legal aspects of your case so you can recover from your injuries

Should You Hire Our Truck Accident Attorneys?

When commercial truck accidents happen, it can be devastating for individuals in the passenger vehicle and their families. Crashes involving large trucks often result in catastrophic injuries and death because of the size and weight of commercial trucks. If you or a loved one is suffering from truck accident injuries, you do not need to go through this challenging time alone.

If you have experienced a crash, please alert the authorities and get medical attention right away. Once you are safe and recovering, you should call our SC truck accident lawyers to learn how we can help you make a full financial recovery. Our attorneys can determine who is at fault in the accident and ensure they are held responsible so this type of accident doesn’t happen again. We can also represent you aggressively to get you the money you need to pay the bills for injuries you didn’t deserve.

Don’t go it alone when seeking compensation from a large trucking company. Get the compensation you need to return to your everyday life and move on from this terrible accident. Call Keibler Law Group at 803-676-1567 right away for legal support at this difficult time.